Monday, July 19, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 19th July

Outside My Window ... early morning cloud, with the promise of a hot summer's day. The forecast for the rest of the week features rain pretty heavily, though.

I am thinking ... about a summer routine for myself. One that includes keeping the housework under control. (I'm perennially optimistic, flying in the face of experience.)

From the learning rooms ... went to a meeting at Star's school on Saturday to hear what the new headmaster is planning. Good stuff there, deserving a post of its own.

I am thankful ... for a new short hair cut. Much more comfortable, and it looks better too :).

From the kitchen ... it was supposed to be slow cooked chicken, but I forgot to defrost the chicken so I'm going to switch over today's and tomorrow's menus and do pasta with tomato sauce and meatballs instead.

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas.

I am creating ... white frilly socks, now on the second half of the second sock.

I am going ... to have a laundry blitz today while there is good drying weather.

I am reading ... what is it with reading this year? I just can't seem to get into anything.

I am hoping ... for a relaxing week away, and that it doesn't rain too much while we are on holiday.

I am hearing ... Little Princess on the television. Angel grumbling (understandably) because she has woken up with a stye on her upper eyelid.

Around the house ... not looking! If I don't look, I won't see the dust.

One of my favorite things ... school holidays. I love having my big girls around.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... evening out with old friends from the toddler group I belonged to when Angel and Star were little; orchestra social evening; leaving early on Saturday morning for a week in Cornwall

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Cool looking boat/shop. Hope the stye goes away, the school plans work and your house keeping hopes work...

    Have a great summer!
