Monday, June 07, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 7th June

Outside My Window ... cloudy, could-do-anything sort of weather.

I am thinking ... about everything I need to do today. Catch up time after half term last week.

From the learning rooms ... back to school for the big girls today. Cherub doesn't start back at playgroup until tomorrow - then on Wednesday we go for her first one hour taster session at school.

I am thankful ... for family holidays.

From the kitchen ... oh my goodness! You mean I have to think about food? Brain is not into gear yet.

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas, which clash terribly with my turquoise and green bedroom colour scheme.

I am creating ... slowly knitting Cherub's cardigan. I can never get motivated to knit during the summer.

I am going ... to Tescos (supermarket) and Homebase (d-i-y and garden store). I need food and a hosepipe.

I am reading ... all I read last week was newspapers and a magazine, but yesterday I picked up  A Circle of Sisters again.

I am hoping ... my Mum's knee replacement surgery goes well. She has an official date now - June 30th.

I am hearing ... early morning kids' TV

Around the house ... end-of-holiday clutter and laundry.

One of my favorite things ... unlimited help-yourself breakfasts in hotels.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Cherub's fourth birthday tomorrow, followed up with her first proper birthday party on Sunday; a biology GCSE exam for Angel; band jobs on Saturday (playing at a village fete in the afternoon, then at a local pub in the evening before England's first World Cup game and again during half time)

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... 

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathryn-
    My name is Janera Jepson and I host the new Wednesday meme Wednesday Wickedness ( Don't let the name throw you. We are a family oriented meme that's similar to Linda's Random Dozen. We base our questions each week on quotes from someone famous. This week is Frank Sinatra. Since Linda is taking time off I thought I'd invite you to play during the hiatus. We always post on Tuesdays (we're up now!) so players can play on either day. We hope that you will join us! :)

