Monday, June 28, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 28th June 2010

Outside My Window ... blue skies. Looks like another hot sunny day - we have had temperatures in the high 20s (80s farenheit) for the last few days.

I am thinking ... it is ten to seven in the morning. I don't do thinking this early. Writing, yes. Thinking, no.

From the learning rooms ... during Cherub's school visit last week they gave the parents a short talk on what will come home in the children's book bags during their reception year. For the first half term she will get a story sack each week; during the second half term it will be a wordless book, to encourage her to tell a story from pictures and to follow the pages from front to back and left to right. After Christmas she will get a reading book each week, with very simple text. Reading at that stage is supposed to be a team effort with the parent helping the child to follow text from left to right, recognise sight words, and (when they are ready) spell out simple words. She will also bring home a story book of her own choice each week for us to read aloud.

I am thankful ... yet again for good neighbours. On Saturday I tried to set up a new hosepipe to fill Cherub's new paddling pool, only to find it came with 1 inch, 3/4 inch and 1/2 inch connectors, and our tap needs a 5/8 inch connector. After a fruitless visit to the DIY store, the girls ended up filling the pool using buckets. On Sunday D-from-next-door-but-one produced a 5/8 inch connector from the depths of his garage. Joy! (Aside: Beware 4 year old girls with hosepipes!)

From the kitchen ... clueless. I'll have to hunt through the freezer for ideas. 

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas

I am creating ... socks. I ran out of steam with Cherub's cardigan.

I am going ... having the house to myself for a while this morning.

I am reading ... The Africa House by Christina Lamb. Haven't got beyond the introduction yet, though.

I am hoping ... that all goes well with Mum's knee replacement op on Wednesday, and for a good recovery.

I am hearing ... Little Princess on TV.

Around the house ... summery stuff. Towels, swimming costumes, sunscreen, sunglasses.

One of my favorite things ... digital cameras. Remember the bad old days of 35mm film? When you didn't realise just how bad your photos were until you had paid a fortune to have them developed?

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... busy, busy, busy. Hospital visits (nearly an hour's drive each way); extra dance classes for Star; Cherub's last school taster visit; orchestra concert on Saturday, plus afternoon rehearsal; brass band playing at a village fete on Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... Cherub on a beach (holding a spade, I think)

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

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