Monday, June 21, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 21st June 2010

Outside My Window ... a perfect summer day.

I am thinking ...what to cook for our international meal with neighbours on Friday evening. I have to come up with a Turkish main course. I would have gone for kebabs, but we had an Icelandic version of kebabs at the last meal. It can't be spicy, or be too complicated!

From the learning rooms ... Angel's last GCSE exam for this year on Tuesday (though she still has some internal school exams next week).

I am thankful ... for summer. A season you can never take for granted in England!

From the kitchen ... orange chicken and rice

I am wearing ... black linen trousers, black and white flowery tunic top

I am creating ... Cherub's cardigan. I probably did about six rows last week.

I am going ... shopping this afternoon. Cherub has some birthday money to spend.  I also need to buy gifts for the two birthday parties she has been invited to next weekend, a new school bag for Angel, and tights for Star (who wore a pair of mine to school this morning!).

I am reading ...oops! Another non-reading week. Wonder why I get these reading doldrums?

I am hoping ... that I can resolve yet another problem with my iMac (which I think may simply be worn out from overuse!)

I am hearing ... birds and faint traffic noise through the open patio door.

Around the house ... yet more of Cherub's drawings; birthday cards; Father's Day cards; laundry; shoes that overflow the shoe rack and walk around the house, seemingly under their own steam.

One of my favorite things ... quiet Monday mornings, especially after a busy weekend.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... shopping this afternoon; looking after Little Friend N before and after school tomorrow; another school visit and a playdate for Cherub on Wednesday; international meal on Friday (we are the hosts this time); two parties for Cherub at the weekend. Yikes! Cherub has suddenly acquired a social life! Another logistical challenge to add into the mix.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing

A Kiss for Rachel

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. What a lovely picture!

  2. What a sweet picture!

    And, hope the iMac is taken care of soon!

  3. Anonymous8:02 pm

    Love the picture!
