Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Random Half Dozen

Linda of 2nd Cup of Coffee is taking a break from her random dozen for June, so I'm throwing in an utterly random half dozen of my own ...

Six things I can reach from where I'm sitting
TV remote
Hair grips (they get everywhere in this house!)
Folder full of genealogy notes
Empty chocolate mousse carton

Six songs on my current (rather eclectic) iTunes play list
Viva la Vida (Coldplay)
Love is Strange (Buddy Holly)
MacArthur Park (Grimethorpe Colliery Band)
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet (Bachman Turner Overdrive)
Theme from Mahogany (Diana Ross)
Dvorak's 6th Symphony (does that count as a song?)

Six TV series I have been watching
Doctor Who
Ashes to Ashes
BBC Young Musician of the Year
Lewis (follow up to Inspector Morse)
Britain's Got Talent

Six things I have eaten in the last 24 hours
Home made lamb hotpot 
Strawberries and cream
Prawn sandwich
Oreo McFlurry
American cheeseburger flavour crisps
Oat and raisin cereal

Six things that have made me laugh recently
Watching Cherub trying to pedal her bike (she can almost do it, but her legs are about half an inch too short).
A cocktail renamed "frog in a blender" due its interesting but unappetising appearance (moral: read instructions before throwing things into a cocktail shaker).
Star and her cousin's attempts to climb a giant model dinosaur (they succeeded)
Listening to Cherub's conversations with her toys.
Failed attempts to get the first notes of the trombone part for the Floral Dance in the right place at band practice (it gets worse once you start laughing!).

Six things I have bought this week
Coffee (three times in the last three days)
A chocolate fudge bar for Cherub
A crop top for Star to dance in (dance studios have no air conditioning)
Convertible ballet tights

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