Friday, June 11, 2010

A Little Bit of Sunshine

Clare at Battlements of Rubies has kindly passed on to me a Sunshine Award:

Given the weather we have had this week - rain, cloud, heavy rain, cloud, more rain - I couldn't be more grateful for a ray of sunshine to cheer my Friday afternoon. Thank you Clare!

Now to pass on the sunshine to 12 other bloggers who brighten my day. The rules are at the bottom of this post, but rules are (sometimes!) made to be broken, so if you don't want to tag others, just enjoy a little sunny warmth.

    The Rules
    1. Post the logo on your blog and/or within the post.
    2. Pass it on to 12 other bloggers.
    3. Add links to these 12 bloggers within your blog.
    4. Let them know they are receiving the award
    5. Share the link of the person from whom you received the award.


    1. Aw, thanks Kathryn! You brighten my day as well (and I have to say I'm secretly hoping the English win tomorrow because I think it matters more to you! Don't tell anyone! ;)

    2. I've got clouds today, too, so thanks for the sunshine, Kathryn! Hope your day is bright despite the weather.

    3. Thank you, Kathryn! We've had a sunny celebratory day here; and this is a nice happy note to end on. I hope your weather gets better.

    4. Why thank you, my dear! What a lovely treat. :) And what a wonderful list to be part of!

    5. Anonymous10:23 pm

      Aw thanks!! Warm sunshiney thoughts heading your way!

    6. Thank you, Kathryn! What a bright spot in a very rainy week! :D
