Monday, May 31, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 31st May

Outside My Window ... cloudy and looking as though it is going to rain. Typical bank holiday weather! We were thinking of a picnic lunch, but it looks as though we will have to change plans.

I am thinking ... that life with children means life in a constant state of flux.

From the learning rooms ... half term week, but Angel needs to do some GCSE revision as she has Religious Studies and science exams coming up.

I am thankful ... for a day with absolutely nothing on the calendar.

From the kitchen ... something lazy from the freezer, I think.

I am wearing ... pyjamas. White top, blue trousers.

I am creating ... still working on Cherub's cardigan, which is going slowly due to large amounts of unravelling. The first size I started looked a bit small, and after starting a larger size I made a couple of errors.

I am going ... to see where the day takes me.

I am reading ... A Circle of Sisters, by Judith Flanders (biography of four Victorian sisters who all married influential men), and An Intelligent Person's Guide to Liberalism by Conrad Russell. Still. About half way through both.

I am hoping ... my Mum gets a definite date for knee replacement surgery soon. It is pencilled in provisionally for the end of June, but the pre-op testing has taken longer than usual because of her age and health, and the hospital haven't yet confirmed that she is fit enough for the op to go ahead.

I am hearing ... CBeebies (BBC channel for under 7s).

Around the house ... heaps of Cherub's drawings. She has been in a drawing frenzy for the last couple of weeks.

One of my favorite things ... strawberry martini. We had an impromptu cocktail party with our neighbours last night, and this was the best of the recipes we tested out. I can see us making these regularly over the summer.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a short holiday in Brighton; family meal at a Chinese buffet on Sunday; may take the two big girls to see Streetdance 3D at some point.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... I took this picture of an old, thatched house in a nearby village a while ago, but never got round to posting it

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

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