Monday, May 24, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 24th May

Outside My Window ... sun! We have had a few days of beautiful weather,  more like July than May. Over 80 degrees yesterday, and predicted to be as hot again today. Supposed to be cooling down tomorrow, though.

I am thinking ... about nothing in particular.

From the learning rooms ... Angel has surprised me by opting to take triple science next year (three separate GCSEs in physics, chemistry and biology) rather than additional science (the same three science subjects combined into one single, shorter course).  Good choice, but more work.

I am thankful ... to have got to the end of a manically busy few weeks. Things should be much calmer for a while now.

From the kitchen ... I have a whole chicken that didn't defrost quickly enough to cook yesterday, but haven't decided what to do with it.

I am wearing ...beige cropped trousers, pink vest top.

I am creating ... a cute little pink, cotton cardigan for Cherub.

I am going ... to spend the afternoon relaxing in the garden.

I am reading ... A Circle of Sisters, by Judith Flanders (biography of four Victorian sisters who all married influential men), and An Intelligent Person's Guide to Liberalism by Conrad Russell

I am hoping ... to get back into my reading groove now life is less busy.

I am hearing ... Ashes to Ashes on TV. I'm trying to catch up on the last couple of episodes, but blogging while I watch as I only have limited time while Cherub is at playgroup.

Around the house ... vases of flowers - yellow, purple and orange.

One of my favorite things ... warm, sunny weather. Unfortunately, we don't get enough of it.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... just the usual routine, apart from an orthodontist's appointment for Angel on Thursday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... from Angel's gym competition yesterday. She won bronze on floor and bronze overall.

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

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