Monday, May 10, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 10th May

Outside My Window ... a bright but chilly morning. A few minutes outside hanging up washing left me shivering.

I am thinking ... about this blog. A couple of busy weeks with little time for posting slipped into a longer hiatus than I intended and left me pondering my blogging future. I'm in no doubt that I want to carry on blogging, but I'm wondering in what direction I want to take this blog, or even whether I would like a new start with a new blog. Or then again, I may just continue meandering around here in random circles. Watch this space. (PS: A big thank you to those of you who wondered why I was so quiet and checked to see I was OK.)

From the learning rooms ... a letter officially offering Cherub a school place for September arrived last week. Since then she has been busy playing "going to school". I'm delighted with what I have seen of the school and I think she will love it. One of the things I particularly like is that they ease the children in very gently, and from the beginning of June she and I will be going together once a week for taster sessions.

I am thankful ... for Tevye. In so many ways.

From the kitchen ... baked potatoes and cauliflower cheese tonight.

I am wearing ... jeans and a cherry red sweater.

I am creating ... back to knitting the same socks I was knitting four weeks ago. I took a diversion and made half a cardigan for Cherub. Now I can't find the rest of the yarn so it may never get finished.

I am going ... to orchestra rehearsals. Before Cherub I used to play violin in a local orchestra, but had to stop when I was pregnant and constantly coughing. Then Thursday evenings got tricky. Now it is finally feasible to go back, and I'm enjoying playing the violin again after four years of blowing things. Still loving my trombone, though :).

I am reading ... The Twenty-Two Letters by Clive King. Children's historical fiction.

I am hoping ... that the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats will be able to come to an agreement and form a workable government after last weeks inconclusive general election. This is not a good time for political uncertainty.

I am hearing ... the washing machine whirring and Cherub playing with a box of Duplo - mostly these days she prefers Lego, and the Duplo hadn't been out for a while. She has a cold and is home from playgroup having a pyjama day.

Around the house ... lovely clean carpets. The nice man who cleans our carpets finally made it back from the Canary Islands where he was stranded by the ash cloud.

One of my favorite things ... Facebook. I'm really enjoying Facebook lately. I like the opportunity for quick and easy social interaction with different circles of friends.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a quiet week and a busy weekend: dinner party with our neighbours on Friday; playing at a village fete with the brass band on Saturday; taking Star to Leamington Spa to dance on Sunday (if the weather is nice we may take a picnic lunch and make a family day trip out of it).

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... from one of our London trips last month

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Anonymous9:05 pm

    Re blogging: me too. But I just don't have any exciting 'new blog' ideas. So I'll just plod along! :)

  2. I keep wondering whether to keep going too, even took some pictures of the blossom in the back gardens to add interest.

    Watched the TV for once this evening, so exciting and so pleased with the result of all the horse trading.

    I missed your blogs, a lovely mix of subjects and your daughters sound so delightful.

    Please keep going and I will do so too.

    Regards and thanks, Madeleine
