Monday, April 05, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 5th April 2010

Outside My Window ... no rain! The whole weekend has been more or less dry, but Star and my brother headed off bright and early to a car boot sale* only to find it was called off because the field was waterlogged.
* Car "boot" = "trunk". Sellers pay a small amount for a pitch to sell items from the back of their cars. Probably the closest British equivalent to the US garage sale.

I am thinking ... I need to get back onto my housework to-do list. I have been letting things slip.

From the learning rooms ... Easter holidays started on Good Friday, so the girls have two weeks at home.

I am thankful ... for wonderful neighbours who are helping me get my iMac up and running. Our next door but one neighbour dug a spare hard disk out of his loft for me, and A-next-door has offered to install it for me. Meanwhile we are waiting for some very small torq screwdrivers to arrive so that we can actually get into the machine!

From the kitchen ... leftovers from the leg of lamb we cooked for Easter Sunday.

I am wearing ... blue pyjama bottoms, white pyjama top, soft and snuggly blue dressing gown.

I am creating ... still knitting Cherub's dress. Should be finished this week.

I am going ... to Northampton to take Star to a dance festival. An hour's drive (each way), two or three hours of hanging around, two minutes dancing. We are going with a friend and her daughter who is in the same dance group and stopping off at IKEA on the way.
I am reading ... Making Use of the Census (a guide for historians)

I am hoping ... there is no such thing as too much chocolate.

I am hearing ... Cherub watching Balamory.

Around the house ... a chocolate mountain. Or possibly several chocolate mountains.

One of my favorite things ... the new Wii. I think we are all going to have a lot of fun with it. (Cherub: "I'm going to have a turn next ... because I's desperate!")

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... IKEA and dance festival today; evening with neighbours on Friday; otherwise a free week to do whatever takes our fancy.
A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... by Star

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:44 pm

    I haven't been to IKEA for ages.

    Hope you had a great Easter. x
