Monday, April 12, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 12th April 2010

Outside My Window ... a clear, dry morning. Pink blossom on the hedge round our back garden and daffodils at the front. Finally it looks like spring.

I am thinking ... this is going to be a fun week.

From the learning rooms ... Easter holiday field trips. History and art this week.

I am thankful ... for time spent with my girls. They are growing up so fast.

From the kitchen ... chaos. During school holidays everyone is out and about randomly, making meal planning very difficult.

I am wearing ... black and white pyjamas, snuggly blue dressing gown.

I am creating ... socks for my brother, promised since Christmas. Cherub's little dress is finished and she is wearing it today. In reality it is more of a tunic top than a dress, but it looks cute with leggings.

I am going ... to take Star and Cherub to Hampton Court Palace today.

I am reading ... another non-reading week. I am in such a reading slump this year.

I am hoping ... nothing at Hampton Court causes Cherub to freak out. We tried taking her to the cinema last week and she freaked before we made it to the front of the queue for tickets.

I am hearing ... Peppa Pig

Around the house ... tidy bedrooms. It won't last, but both older girls currently have reasonably tidy rooms. It doesn't happen often.

One of my favorite things ... my iPod Touch, which will keep Cherub entertained on the train (I hope!)

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Today (Monday) - Hampton Court; Thursday - taking Star and her friend on an art trip to London, visiting the Tate Modern followed by an art workshop on fashion illustration for the girls; Saturday - clothes shopping trip with Angel and Star

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Enjoy Hampton Court, it has fascinating activities for children, especially in the Tudor kitchens.

    I live about 3 - 4 miles from the Palace, it is in our Borough but haven't been there for years as the entrance fees are so high. There is no discount for local residents either.

    Also nearby are Kew Gardens, Ian and I are Friends of Kew which is really good value. We went for the first time this year on Saturday, beautiful weather as we strolled towards the pond. Kew is another place with good facilities and activities for children of all ages. Of course we had the obligatory cake and tea in the Pavilion café. Catering is very good too at Kew. (Oooh that rhymes!)

    I enjoy reading your blog,

    Best wishes, PixieMum (aka Madeleine)

  2. "I am going ... to take Star and Cherub to Hampton Court Palace today."

    Wow. Your everyday life is the stuff of our dreams! :) Hope it was a fabulous day.

  3. Anonymous1:31 pm

    Sounds like you're having fun and have plenty more planned. Enjoy!
