Monday, March 29, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 29th March 2010

Outside My Window ... wet and horrible. Spring at its worst. Maybe good for plants, but not for people!

I am thinking ... about plans for the Easter holidays.

From the learning rooms ... school and playgroup carry on until Thursday. Usually the girls have a few days off before Easter, but not this year. With Passover and Holy Week happening during school term time everything is going to seem very rushed.

I am thankful ... for Google Docs and Flickr. It looks as though the hard drive on our iMac has died, but as I now store most documents and photos online I can live with losing the files that were on the hard drive. Most of my iTunes library is also on my MacBook, so that isn't a bust either. (And yes, I know I should back things up!).

From the kitchen ... preparing for a family Seder meal as Passover starts tonight. We have hard boiled eggs in salt water (to represent the tears of the Israelites), baked potatoes, cold fried fish, salad, and various traditional Passover sweets (I usually make cinnamon balls, macaroons and coconut pyramids). I need to fry the fish this morning, then Cherub can help me make the sweets this afternoon.

I am wearing ... dark grey cords, long sleeved purple t-shirt, handknitted socks.

I am creating ... mark two of the turquoise knitted dress for Cherub. The first version was coming out too big and heavy, so I'm now working on this little maxi top / dress to wear over leggings.

I am going ... to be starting work at the local record office as a volunteer for half a day each week, probably starting in the summer. I'm also looking into the possibility of volunteering at this Living Archive for another half day. If I enjoy the work, I'm hoping to take a part time or distance learning course to qualify as an archivist.
I am reading ... a book about the population of the UK in the 19th century.

I am hoping ... that the dead computer will be fixable at a reasonable cost.

I am hearing ... nothing except the whirr of the laptop.

Around the house ... the usual level of mild surface clutter. Not out of hand, but never quite conquered.

One of my favorite things ... hair straighteners. As someone whose hair naturally turns in on one side and flicks out on the other, I now finally have tidy hair (mostly!).

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... ballet exam for Star this afternoon; small seder at home tonight; big seder at my sister-in-law's tomorrow night; band practice on Wednesday; Easter Triduum; chilled out family day on Sunday, playing with the special Easter present I have up my sleeve.
A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... playing is just too exhausting!

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Happy Passover!

    Hope you have as much fun with your Easter present as we did with our Christmas version :)
