Monday, March 22, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 22nd March

Outside My Window ... a dull, grey and breezy March day.

I am thinking ... about what I want to do once Cherub is at school full time. I an rather optimistically hoping that I can find something I can do part time that will fit with our family life while also allowing me to use my historical experience. Nothing came of the application for tutoring work I sent in last autumn, but I now have a Plan A (distance learning tutor) and a Plan B (archivist).

From the learning rooms ... Angel was remarkably upbeat and cheerful about maths homework yesterday. Apparently her class has homework league tables divided into upper and lower divisions. The winners of each league get chocolate and as she is more or less exactly in the middle of the class she reckons she should be able to top the lower group. (As she is in the top set and maths is not exactly her favourite subject, middle is good.)

I am thankful ... for good energy levels after a long period of being slow and lethargic.

From the kitchen ... chicken pie and chips (fries) from the freezer. I am taking Cherub to play with Little Friend N after school so no time to cook. 

I am wearing ... blue jeans, flowery purple and blue tunic top, purple cardigan. 

I am creating ... a turquoise knitted dress for Cherub, a pale green scarf for myself, and socks for my brother. I am now up to the waistband on the dress (knitting bottom up in the round), have nearly finished one sock, and just need to cast off the scarf.

I am going ... to the local record office to talk about gaining work experience as a volunteer. Work experience - paid or voluntary - is a prerequisite for training as an archivist in the UK.

I am reading ... still nothing.

I am hoping ... that thinking ahead now will open up job possibilities later.

I am hearing ... Something Special on television. TV time for Cherub = blogging time for me.

Around the house ... floors that need cleaning and hoovering.

One of my favorite things ... warm(ish!) spring days when it is possible to go outdoors without a coat after having to wrap up all winter.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... playdate for Cherub this afternoon; record office interview on Friday; a sleepover for Angel on Friday; my first band concert playing the trombone on Saturday (exciting but scary as there is plenty of scope for me to make some glaring obvious mistakes!); a family meal out on Sunday to celebrate Angel and Tevye's birthdays.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... a preview of our bedroom makeover pictures

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

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