Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 16th March

Outside My Window ... it still doesn't really look like spring. It is a little warmer this week, but there are no obvious signs of green outside my window. I read yesterday that daffodils are blooming a month later than usual this year.

I am thinking ... I should delete this prompt, as I can never work out what I am thinking!

From the learning rooms ...K-next-door has a new job and will not be at playgroup after Easter. Cherub has taken the news surprisingly well.

I am thankful ... for Angel, who celebrated her fifteenth birthday yesterday. 

From the kitchen ... Orange Chicken for dinner. I made this for the first time last week and it was delicious. Half of Angel's birthday cake is still in the fridge. She wanted a sponge cake with whipped cream and fresh strawberries. 

I am wearing ... black jeans, red sweater, hand-knitted socks. 

I am creating ... a turquoise knitted dress for Cherub, a pale green scarf for myself, and socks for my brother. The same as last week, but I have made progress on all three. 

I am going ... to take Cherub to playgroup. When I get back I will finish this daybook, do some work on my local history project, plough through a pile of ironing - and then it will be time to collect Cherub. 

I am reading ... I don't think I read anything last week. I am in the reading doldrums at the moment. 

I am hoping ... that Angel has a wonderful year, and is just as delightful at fifteen as she was at fourteen. 

I am hearing ... Peppa Pig.

Around the house ... our bedroom is finished, and Star's new bed arrived last week. 147 screws later it looks good. Pictures of both rooms to follow later in the week. Only Angel's room left to go now. 

One of my favorite things ... pink and sparkly little girls. 

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... school gym and dance showcase for Star on Wednesday (she is doing aerobics, apparently!); extra ballet class for Star at some yet-to-be-determined time; birthday sleepover for Angel on Saturday; trip to a car boot sale with my brother for Star, to get rid of some of the fruits of our decluttering; band practices and lots of taxi-ing children around for me. 

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. So glad you enjoyed the Orange Chicken, it's one of our favorites, YUM!

    The cake looks delicious!

    Have a great week :)
