Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 2nd March

Outside My Window... blue skies and a bright, sunny morning. Still chilly, with a frost this morning, but spring is lurking in there somewhere. 

I am thinking ... what a poor blogger I have been recently. Nothing to write about? Or just not in the mood for writing? I'm not sure. 

From the learning rooms ... Star has been looking at MacBeth in English. I know this because she gave me a highly entertaining and unexpected rendition of her own version, from which it was apparent that she had a surprisingly clear grasp of the characters and plot. Surprising because she ususally gives the impression that most of her school lessons go in one ear and straight out the other.

I am thankful ... Star's bedroom is pretty much done. She got up at 6am to finish clearing it out last Tuesday. The painting is finished. It just needs curtains and pictures to be hung and her new bed to arrive.

From the kitchen ... cottage pie for dinner, and maybe some baking with Cherub this afternoon. Last week's gold digger buns were good

I am wearing ... dark blue jeans, purple t-shirt and cardigan, blue handknitted socks

I am creating ... soft pastel pink socks for Star. I have moved on from knitting multiple pairs of mittens to multiple pairs of socks.

I am going ... to get in an hour's trombone practice while Cherub is at playgroup.

I am reading ... Rural Life in Victorian England by G.E.Mingay

I am hoping ... to catch up on various jobs around the house this afternoon.

I am hearing ... Rimsky-Korsakov's Trombone Concerto. I want to play like that.

Around the house ... paint test squares on our bedroom walls, as our room is next on the makeover list. We are thinking mainly cream with one (small) wall in a deep turquoise.

One of my favorite things ... a sunny day after weeks of grey skies.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a couple of days puttering about with Tevye (who is taking Thursday and Friday off work); a meal with our neighbours on Friday (I have to make a French starter); a schools' gym competition for Angel; extra ballet for Star.  

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... more snow last week. Surely that must be the last of it.

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. I hope that is the last of the snow as well :)

  2. What a beautiful neighborhood. I sure wish I could hear you play. It sounds like such fun. ;)
