Monday, February 22, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 22nd February

Outside My Window ... a cold winter evening with the remains of today's snow on the ground. It snowed non-stop all morning, but quickly turned wet and slushy.

I am thinking ... how nice it is to have some energy back. Lots of cleaning, tidying and decluttering to catch up on this week.

From the learning rooms ... Angel's school is planning to switch to vertical tutoring - mixed age groups for their daily registration and tutor time.  I'll be interested to see how it works out.

I am thankful ... for the offer of an unwanted tumble drier. We have lived without one for the last three years, and it will be nice not to have wet washing draped round the house. 

From the kitchen ... baked potatoes and cauliflower cheese. I think Cherub and I may make these gold digger buns tomorrow. She loves making recipes from I Can Cook.

I am wearing ... dark grey trousers, purple long sleeved t-shirt, newly finished socks (see picture below).

I am creating ... lacy pink socks for Cherub, with a frilly top.

I am going ... to win the battle against clutter. Fighting talk and optimism - that's what I need!

I am reading ... another book on Victorian rural history.

I am hoping ... Star manages to finish clearing out and tidying her bedroom ready for my brother to start decorating it tomorrow. It isn't looking good.

I am hearing ... Tevye watching TV; Angel typing on the computer.

Around the house ... winter hats, gloves, scarves, umbrellas, boots, wet socks drying on a radiator.

One of my favorite things ... spring. Which can't come soon enough!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a mums' night out on Thursday; extra dance class for Star on Friday; Little Friend N's birthday party on Saturday. Cherub is most impressed that he is five.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. I love your socks! I can't believe how fast you knit them. The color work is beautiful.
    And I am with you on spring. It's supposed to snow here tomorrow. In Texas. Again!

  2. Anonymous12:02 pm

    How did people cope without washing machines and tumble dryers?? Though I don't think they changed their clothes as often as we do these days.

    Mum remembers she got laughed at by some children at school because my Grandma would wash her school uniform more than once a week.

    Your socks look great!
