Monday, February 01, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 1st February

Outside My Window ... a cold day after a frosty morning.

I am thinking ... I need to clean windows. Sitting here I can see a big Cherub-height smear on the window opposite.

From the learning rooms ... nothing out of the ordinary over the last week that I can remember.

I am thankful ... for friends and relatives who are looking after the girls so that Tevye and I can have a weekend away.

From the kitchen ... spaghetti, tomato sauce and meatballs for dinner. I'm planning to do some baking with Cherub this afternoon - probably apricot flapjacks and a sponge cake.

I am wearing ... red top, blue jeans, handknitted blue socks.

I am creating ... cream mittens for A-Next-Door. These will be my last pair of mittens for a while. I have some sock plans, as well as a couple of larger projects to finish.

I am going ... nowhere today.

I am reading ... Reshaping Rural England: a Social History 1850-1925, finishing the last third after I got distracted part way through. Still.

I am hoping ... Cherub will be back to normal tomorrow. She had a fever over the weekend after her swine flu vaccination on Friday, and is still a bit under par.

I am hearing ... Cherub's beloved I Can Cook.

Around the house ... Cherub's bedroom is done - pictures to come later. The next task is to start clearing out Star's room ready for painting.

One of my favorite things ... my new red sitting room curtains, which give the room a lovely warm glow. I found some cushions I loved in Ikea last summer, but it has taken me this long to find curtains in just the right shade of red.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a weekend away at Appleby Manor. The girls have their own plans. Cherub will be making fairy cakes with K-next-door; Angel will be catching up on sleep at Grandma's; and Star will be enjoying an extended sleepover with a friend.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Oh I like the reds together. Lovely cushions - and the light streaming across makes it all so cosy

  2. Oh I love the cushion curtain combo. Makes me want to go out and get some touches of red to warm up our house on icy winter days.
