Monday, January 04, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 4th January 2010

Outside My Window ... winter. A light dusting of snow, topped with sparkling frost. More snow predicted this week.

I am thinking ... about whether to make a New Year's resolution this year, or whether I should just give it up as a lost cause.

From the learning rooms ... back to school for Angel today. Star's school and Cherub's playgroup don't start until tomorrow.

I am thankful ... for a lovely Christmas and New Year break, with lots of time spent with family and friends.

From the kitchen ...pasta with tomato sauce and meatballs. Christmas leftovers are pretty much all gone, and I need to re-jig my winter menu plan.

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas, woolly socks, superwarm fluffy blue dressing gown. Exactly the same as two weeks ago. I'm taking advantage of a last lazy day before we get back into the term time routine.

I am creating ... flip-top mittens for Angel and a little blue cardigan for Cherub to wear in her dance class.

I am going ... to be lazy and order the groceries online rather than drag myself and Cherub out into the cold.

I am reading ... finishing up half-read books.

I am hoping ... that this will be the year that I scale the clutter mountain.

I am hearing ... Peppa Pig. Again. Peppa Pig = blogging time.

Around the house ... clutter, clutter, and more clutter. Grrrr!

One of my favorite things ... learning to play my trombone. It's going well, I think.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... taking Star out for lunch today as she has an extra day of school holiday; Cherub's first ever dance class on Thursday; First Communion classes start again on Saturday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... Happy New Year from us to you!

Find instructions and links to othr daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:09 pm

    So have you been wearing the 'pink pyjamas, woolly socks, superwarm fluffy blue dressing gown' for two weeks solid? Ho ho ho. Lol.

    It's durn chilly here and the cat is driving me insane, I think she's bored.

    And ditto on the clutter. I'm planning a big tidy-up...just after my next coffee...
