Monday, January 18, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 18th January

Outside My Window ... damp and miserable but much warmer than it has been for the past month. There was more snow on Wednesday, but only a few small patches remain after lots of rain on Friday and Saturday.

I am thinking ... about books I would like to read this year.

From the learning rooms ... yet another snow day on Wednesday, when both older girls were sent home from school after morning snow caused traffic chaos.

I am thankful ... for my new mobile phone. The old one got stuck in silent mode. A phone that you can't hear is not good. I particularly wanted a QWERTY keyboard, so I got one of these.

From the kitchen ... chicken stir fry with sweet chili sauce.

I am wearing ... dark grey cord trousers, black top, black and white striped sweater, zebra print socks with pink heels and toes.

I am creating ... mittens for myself. I'm trying to combine aspects of different patterns. The first attempt was not a success; hopefully Mark 2 will be better.

I am going ... to be busy getting Cherub's bedroom decluttered and tidied ready for my brother to paint next week.

I am reading ... We Are At War by Simon Garfield. Or more accurately, not reading. I think I've lost interest.

I am hoping ... for a routine week, with no snow days, sick days or other unexpected disruptions.

I am hearing ... TV and the dishwasher whirring.

Around the house ... carpets in need of hoovering, bathrooms in need of cleaning.

One of my favorite things ...sausages and mash. Winter comfort food.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... tap exam for Star tomorrow, but nothing else out of the ordinary on the calendar.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Anonymous9:11 pm

    Lovely picture, very winter wonderlandy.

    I hear snow may be on the way for us on Weds, it's very brown and soggy here.

  2. Do you share your chicken stir fry recipe? Sounds delicious.

  3. Can't see which phone :( But hope you get all your decluttering done so the decorating can happen.

  4. Haven't the trees been looking stunning in the frost and snow? Beautiful picture.

  5. Beautiful picture! It looks like our area. :)
