Monday, January 11, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 11th January

Outside My Window ... another half inch of snow last night to top off last week's snow, which was just beginning to melt.

I am thinking ... how much I appreciate efficient central heating!

From the learning rooms ... snow days for the older girls last week. Angel had to go in on Friday for a mock GCSE exam, and has another this coming Friday.

I am thankful ... we didn't have to travel anywhere when the weather was at its worst, and have been able to enjoy the snow.

From the kitchen ... I have rediscovered my bread machine, which I had got out of the habit of using. I tried pizza dough in it for the first time - Cherub says homemade pizza is "very yummy". Dinner tonight? Cauliflower cheese.  

I am wearing ... jeans, red top with floral trim, red hand-knitted socks. 

I am creating ... a coat-cardigan for myself and socks for my brother (I gave him the yarn for Christmas with a promise of socks to come). Last week I finished mittens for Angel and Star, and a pair of handwarmers for myself. Mittens for myself are next on the list as soon as I can buy the yarn.

I am going ... to have to venture out to the supermarket this afternoon. I shopped online last week, but left it too late this time.

I am reading ... We Are At War by Simon Garfield. Snippets from World War II diaries, but not as interesting as I expected.

I am hoping ... that we can get back into our normal routine this week, after three weeks of Christmas break and snow days.

I am hearing ... beautiful silence, apart from the whirr of the washing machine. Tevye is at work, the older girls are at school, Cherub is at playgroup, and I have the house to myself for a couple of hours.

Around the house ... girls' bedrooms that look as though a clothes bomb has gone off. Ugh.

One of my favorite things ... the set of Cadfael DVDs I was given for Christmas. I've watched seven episodes so far and have another six to go. When I finish this post I'll be settling down with my knitting to watch the next.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... orthodontist's appointment for Star on Wednesday; Cherub's first ever dance class on Thursday (postponed from last week thanks to snow, much to her disappointment); a quiet weekend (I think)

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. That sounds lovely...knitting and Cadfael! Don't you loathe Brother Jerome?

  2. Was that Season Three of Lark Rise to Candleford last night? I see that Season Two is going to be released here on DVD next month - big hint, hint to my family for my birthday!

  3. Anonymous1:48 pm

    My Dad loved Cadfael, I've never watched it (hmmm, actually I think my Dad read the books?).

    Be safe venturing out to the supermarket; hope's not too snowy for you. It's very slushy here.

    p.s. I linked to your foody post in my recent 'Happy Homemaker Monday' post. Hope that's OK.


  4. That was a cozy post! I can picture the snow outside ... Oh, wait, I can see it in the picture. Beautiful!
