Monday, December 21, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 21st December

Outside My Window ... lovely snow. Not a US style blizzard, but a good coating that has been here for four days now, with no sign of thawing.

I am thinking ... about snowy winters of my childhood. Does anyone else remember ice slides in the school playground?

From the learning rooms ... a snow day for Angel and Star to end their winter term. Cherub's playgroup was still open, which made her happy.

I am thankful ... for central heating. I grew up in a hill top farmhouse without it. Warmth is something I don't take for granted. I am also thankful for good neighbours who have been checking my mother is OK, offering to get her shopping and so on while she is housebound by the snow. My brother and I have been keeping a close eye too, but it is good to know they are looking out for her.

From the kitchen ... supposed to be a cottage pie from the freezer, but I may have extra girls to feed and might have to rethink. Still haven't made those mince pies, and I also need to make some apple pies.

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas, woolly socks, superwarm fluffy blue dressing gown. No need to get dressed early today.

I am creating ... a nearly-done wrap for Mum for Christmas. I'm also hoping to get a hat done for Cherub. The two older girls both want mittens or gloves, but no chance of getting them made this week.

I am going ... to try to get the house clean and organised for Christmas this week. The trouble is I'm not good at converting good intentions into actions. Must. Get. Busy. (And yes, that is what I said last week).

I am reading ... back into a half-finished book on rural history and just started English Catholic Heroines by Joanna Bogle.

I am hoping ... for a white Christmas, to the point of obsessively checking weather forecasts. One is predicting heavy rain on Thursday, another more snow. The last white Christmas I can remember was in the early 80s.

I am hearing ... Peppa Pig.

Around the house ... handmade Christmas decorations  - paper chains and paper snowflakes that the girls have been making. Angel and Cherub have put some on their bedroom doors. Cherub's are all neatly stuck about two feet off the floor which gives a rather unusual effect.

One of my favorite things ... snow.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a bit of last minute shopping and wrapping; our usual Christmas Eve trip to enjoy the Christmas display at Milton Keynes (not the dangling legs!) and eat cake at John Lewis; Christmas Eve carol singing in the town centre (will make a nice change from playing them); morning Mass on Christmas day; Doctor Who Christmas special; lots of cosy family time.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to othr daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. We have some friends (from here) that are in Luton right now visiting family. They said they have 6" of snow!

  2. You are a woman after my own heart, K, putting off the cleaning and organising in favour of reading! {vbg}

  3. Catherine - I think Luton got a bit more snow than us. They got more yesterday, and the airport was closed again.
