Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Cherubisms

Looking out of the door to see a misty morning ... "It's very froggy out there!"

Inspecting the sour cream and chive dip on Star's plate ... "Can I have the same dump as Star, please?"

A cry of distress ... "I can't find my flat change!" That would be the paper money she had been given by a friend to buy Playmobil with. (What does a very girly three year old choose? A recycling truck.)

Noticing the little nativity figures on what had been a Jesse tree ... "It's the people from Bethlehem!"


  1. Darling!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Anonymous2:01 pm

    Aww. And lol at the 'flat change'.

  3. So cute!

    We say "froggy" all the time here -- must've been a kidism here, too.

    I love 3 year olds!

  4. Just saw your post on my "Did you get a book..." entry. The complete set of Cadfael on DVD! Lucky you! I have the set on video and love every episode.

    Happy New Year!
