Monday, November 23, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 23rd November

Outside My Window ... Yes. Grey, wet and miserable again. November at its worst.

I am thinking ...

From the learning rooms ... parent-teacher meetings for Angel this week, following last week's fairly predictable report - English better than maths, graphics teacher thinks she is wonderful, science not great.  

I am thankful ... for online supermarket shopping, which has helped me out of a time crunch this week.

From the kitchen ... frozen meat pie and mashed potatoes tonight, with whatever veggie I can find. It's one of those running out of food, scrape together whatever I can days.

I am wearing ... green striped hoody, cord trousers that are meant to be "stone" but are actually more of a khaki green, brown socks (not hand-knitted).

I am creating ... the same as last week - a jumper for my brother, a long cardigan for myself and socks for Angel.

I am going ... to IKEA with an old school friend, after I collect Cherub from playgroup.

I am reading ... Reshaping Rural England: a Social History 1850-1925 by Alun Howkins.

I am hoping ... the rain stops soon, especially in the north where there is severe flooding

I am hearing ... silence, apart from a little noise from the dishwasher.

Around the house ... no tumble dryer + wet weather = laundry drying everywhere.

One of my favorite things ... Dime bars and Swedish cinnamon rolls from IKEA. Yum.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a gymnastics weekend. Star is taking part in a friendly competition on Saturday (her first), and Angel is competing on Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... found on the memory card of my dead camera

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. You know you really shouldn't eat frozen meat pies. They are so bad for your teeth.

    Lovely, evocative picture.

  2. :::Splutter:::

    Hard to laugh with those cracked teeth ...

  3. Hmm you really aren't thinking straight are you? Couldn't come up with anything for that section???

    Hope the meat pie was tasty not frozen...

  4. Oh dear! Didn't even notice that I wasn't thinking. Duh!
