Monday, November 30, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 30th November

Outside My Window ... Cold, grey, wet, miserable. Goodbye November. And good riddance.

I am thinking ...  I should delete this section as I can never think what to put!

From the learning rooms ... stuff I've seen over the last few days - Pythagoras theorem and tangent ratios (Angel), forces (Star), comparison of 17th and 20th century love poetry (Angel), World War I poetry (Star) 

I am thankful ... that I managed to get Star + ingredients for cookery lesson + PE kit + cleaned trainers + ballet gear + lunch + money for chips on the way to ballet together and off to school on time without anyone melting down.

From the kitchen ... pasta with tomato sauce and meatballs for dinner.

I am wearing ... purple long-sleeved t-shirt, jeans, warm socks.

I am creating ... knitted Christmas ornament for a swap, along with the same list as last week.

I am going ... to dig out my collection of Christmas picture books for Cherub today.

I am reading ... Reshaping Rural England: a Social History 1850-1925 by Alun Howkins.

I am hoping ... the bout of back pain Tevye has been suffering for the last few weeks clears.

I am hearing ... Christmas carols by Maddy Prior and the Carnival Band. Happy place music. Check out their version of Ding Dong, Merrily on High on iTunes and try not to dance.

Around the house ... Advent wreath, Jesse tree, Advent calendars. Also dust, carpets that need hoovering, a laundry backlog, toys and clutter. Blah.

One of my favorite things ... Advent, which for me is a mix of preparation, anticipation, and appetite whetting Christmassy things (like those carols!).

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a meal at a canalside pub with our neighbours on Friday; playing carols with the brass band at local shopping centres on Saturday and Sunday

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... a very happy Star who took part in her first ever gymnastics competition (beginner level) at the weekend and won.

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Star!! Would you please post a photo of your knitted Christmas ornament? Sophia loves to knit and I think she might enjoy making an ornament.
