Monday, October 05, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 5th October

Outside My Window ... grey and damp. Looks more like November than October.

I am thinking ... about stuff I need to organise before we leave on Saturday for the free holiday Angel and Star won at Easter.

From the learning rooms ... forgetfulness. Forgotten lunches, forgotten PE kit forgotten dancewear, forgotten sicknotes, forgotten homework. There isn't much they haven't managed to forget this term.

I am thankful ... for central heating. I'm old enough to remember just how cold houses were without it!

From the kitchen ... shipwreck stew. And disasters. Burned honey cake and burned soup last week. It takes talent to burn soup.

I am wearing ... dark grey cord trousers, light grey jumper, warm hiking socks, crocs.

I am creating ... a sweater for myself, knitted top down and in one piece, so no seams to sew. I'm also procrastinating over sewing up a cardigan for Cherub and a sweater for my brother. This is why I need to master knitting without seams.

I am going ... yarn shopping for lots of this. It is warm and soft and cheap, and I want to knit a long cardigan for me, shawls for myself and my Mum, and another sweater for my brother.

I am reading ... Ripping Things To Do: the Best Games and Ideas from Children's Books by Jane Brocket.

I am hoping ... my sore throat goes away and my voice comes back.

I am hearing ... the TV. I'm taking advantage of Cherub's morning at playgroup and sitting with my feet up watching the remake of The Parent Trap that one of the girls recorded at the weekend. Also blogging and knitting (not simultaneously!)

Around the house ... tidiness! Angel and Star blitzed their bedrooms at the weekend. If they keep them tidy, they can redecorate. Will that be enough incentive?

One of my favorite things ... giggles and laughter as the older girls play with Cherub.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a routine week, until we leave on Saturday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...  Weymouth harbour

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. great book title :) Hope you feel better, resting on the couch sounds like a good plan. Tidiness hasn't been enough of an incentive around here for redecoration, but I also wouldn't recommend flooding which has been.

    Get well soon!

  2. Anonymous4:48 pm

    The photo of Weymouth is lovely.

    It was so cold this morning but warm this afternoon and the midge are on the rampage now!

  3. I hope you feel better soon!

    If it helps, I managed to burn a pan of baked beans last week.{g}
