Monday, October 26, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 26th October

Outside My Window ... night time, dark by six now the clocks have changed.

I am thinking ... of a job application for part-time tutoring I sent off today. It would be flexible and mostly working from home.

From the learning rooms ... half term.

I am thankful ... for a replacement dishwasher. The new one we got in June developed a recurring fault. I had forgotten how much more effort it takes to wash everything by hand.

From the kitchen ... pizza for a houseful of girls - both Angel and Star have friends sleeping over.

I am wearing ... dark blue jeans, striped top and hand knitted socks.

I am creating ... several things at once. I realised Christmas is only two months away if I wanted to make some knitted gifts I needed to get started.

I am going ... to take Star and her friend on a shopping expedition tomorrow. Angel is Cherub-sitting as Cherub + Shops = Chaos + Frazzled Mother

I am reading ... Julie and Julia by Julie Powell. 

I am hoping ... that if this job application comes to anything, it will be the right amount of work and not too much.

I am hearing ... Tevye watching TV. The girls are temporarily quiet.

Around the house ... autumn flowers. Yellow, orange and rust-coloured chrysanthemums.

One of my favorite things ... fresh bagels from a Jewish deli. A rare treat as Bedfordshire doesn't have Jewish delis.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a trip to buy Angel new pointe shoes, band rehearsals (Christmas music already!). Not much else on the calendar. 

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... kung fu Cherub

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. What are you knitting? I've been knitting baby booties like there's no tomorrow!

  2. I know what you mean about the dishwasher. Mine was recently down for about 6 weeks.
    Well, I couldn't deal with having to make Christmas gifts this late. I always do my shopping a little at a time during the year. Its been finished except for a few last minute additions for months.
    Sounds like a busy week.
    Mama Bear
