Monday, September 07, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 7th September

Outside My Window ... the sort of sky that suggests the weather could do anything today - pale grey clouds with a little blue breaking through.

I am thinking ... it is seven o'clock in the morning. Too early for thinking. I can blog, but not think! (That could be a bad thing ...)

From the learning rooms ... all good so far. Both older girls seem happy enough with their various new teachers. Cherub is happy to be back at playgroup.

I am thankful ... that my week is falling neatly into a routine that looks as though it will work well. Something that simply didn't happen last term.

From the kitchen ... getting organised, with a new meal plan posted on my neglected cooking blog. Shipwreck stew tonight.

I am wearing ... blue and white pyjamas.

I am creating ... a little red top for Cherub and socks. Knitted Cherub a pink cabled scarf last week, and plan to make mittens and hat to match.

I am going ... to try out a local health club this week, starting with an Aquacise class this morning while Cherub is at playgroup. I so badly need to get fitter.

I am reading ... The Rose of Sebastopol by Katharine McMahon. I think I made it through one chapter last week.

I am hoping ... this first full week of term will go smoothly.

I am hearing ... Cherub wanting to know if it is morning yet.

Around the house ... reasonably good order, though there are a few hotspots that need dealing with.

One of my favorite things ... Monday mornings. Really. I like the feeling of a new week starting, and Mondays are quiet for me compared to the weekends.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... dance classes start again, a play date for Cherub this afternoon, gym competition for Angel on Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman.


  1. Funny picture. LOL!

  2. Thank you for allowing me to dip into your Journal - the photo of the children made me laugh out loud ;)

    Have a lovely week - Kathy
