Thursday, September 03, 2009

70 Years Ago

Seventy years ago today Britain and France declared war on Germany, two days after Hitler invaded Poland. The first shots of World War II were fired in Danzig (now Gdansk), the home city of Tevye's father, who managed to leave just a few months earlier, followed by his brother barely a month before the outbreak of war.

Listen to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's radio broadcast announcing the declaration of war here.


  1. gives me shivers every time I hear that... So glad Tevye's family escaped, and remembering those in sorrow that did not.

    Did tell Ewok this was a good time to start his WWII studies.

  2. Well this is timely dearest one as we are just embarking on our WWI & WWII studies this year :) I'm so glad your husband's family saved themselves!
