Monday, August 31, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 31st August

Outside My Window ... grey skies. Quite a contrast after two weeks of brilliant blue and hot sun - no doubt that we are back in Britain. Looks like we are heading into autumn fast.

I am thinking ... how much I like my house. It isn't perfect, but it is home.

From the learning rooms ... school starts again on Thursday, so some last minute shopping to do. Angel needs shirts and Star needs football boots and socks.

I am thankful ... for a wonderfully relaxing, restful holiday, and that we have all come back with our batteries recharged.

From the kitchen ... empty fridge and cupboards, desperately needing to be restocked.

I am wearing ... dark blue pyjamas.

I am creating ... socks, sweaters, scarves. Apart from a little sock knitting I didn't do much while I was away, but I'm ready to throw myself back into my knitting frenzy.

I am going ... to have a catch up day today. Laundry, grocery shopping, more laundry, dropping round to see my Mum, more laundry ...

I am reading ... The Rose of Sebastopol by Katharine McMahon. Unfinished holiday reading.

I am hoping ... the menus and routines I planned while we were away will work out as we get back into term time routine.

I am hearing ... girls chattering downstairs.

Around the house ... bags and cases full of laundry and other post-holiday detritus.

One of my favorite things ... swimming in sea with just enough waves to make it fun, but not enough to make it dangerous.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... mostly a quiet week, easing back into normal life.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find links to other summer daybooks at The Simple Woman.


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed Greece - though I was hoping for more photos! :)

  2. Good to have you back. Happy that you had a great vacation.

  3. LOL! Cherub looks very cautious about the water!

  4. Thanks for sharing your daybook - I love dipping into other people's lives and seeing the "sames" and the "differents". The photos from your holiday are lovely - you must have truly enjoyed yourselves ;)
