Monday, August 03, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 3rd August

Outside My Window ... blue skies and a sunny summer morning. Not likely to last, though.

I am thinking ... August? How can it be August?

From the learning rooms ... closed for summer.

I am thankful ... that we have two weeks of sea and sun to look forward to, particularly for Tevye's sake - he has been very busy at work and badly needs a break.

From the kitchen ... baked potatoes and chilli for dinner.

I am wearing ... black pyjamas with white trim.

I am creating ... a chunky sweater for my brother and socks with an irritatingly fiddly pattern for K-next-door.

I am going ... to get back on my cross-trainer this week. It is sitting in my bedroom making me feel guilty!

I am reading ... nothing. I'm between books. I have a big pile set aside for holiday reading, but nothing in mind to fill the gap. I'll have to browse my bookshelves.

I am hoping ... for a relaxed, fun week.

I am hearing ... Cherub snuffling as she watches TV.

Around the house ... clothes, bags, lip gloss. Girls-at-home stuff!

One of my favorite things ... trees. Cherub likes to hug them, and I can understand it. I love woods and forests.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... taking all three girls bowling today, Star wants to go ice skating tomorrow, Tevye has an appointment for (routine) laser treatment of his persistent cataracts on Wednesday, Cherub is going to a couple of playgroup summer club sessions.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... Cherub's ruffled summer top, another three day knit last week. (Apologies for picture quality - I was lazy and used my phone, which doesn't really cope with indoor lighting conditions.)

Find links to other summer daybooks at The Simple Woman.


  1. Sounds like a fun week. Enjoy!

  2. Anonymous2:54 pm

    Cherub is just lovely, Katherine...and the sweater is gorgeous--love the colors!

  3. The pic (and the little girl, and the top) is lovely! I thought it was deliberately soft-focus!
