Monday, August 10, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 10th August

Outside My Window ... early morning sun and a pleasant breeze.

I am thinking ... I'm trying not to think about all the things that need doing but somehow never get done.

From the learning rooms ... closed for summer.

I am thankful ... for time with Angel and Star over the summer. Cherub loves having them around too!

From the kitchen ... pasta with tomato pesto and creme fraiche. Something from the freezer for Tevye who doesn't eat the pasta.

I am wearing ... blue and white pyjamas

I am creating ... a chunky sweater for my brother and socks for K-next-door. I switched the fiddly ones for a nicer pattern.

I am going ... to take Star shopping for her birthday present today. She wants something to wear.

I am reading ... started Longitude by Davina Sobel, but haven't got past the introduction yet.

I am hoping ... the other catechists and our parish priest will agree to switch the book we are using for First Communion classes. The one we used last year wasn't fit for purpose (designed for school RE classes, not parishes) and we floundered trying to fill the gaps; this one looks much better.

I am hearing ... yes, it is Cherub's TV time again. Cherub watches TV; I blog.

Around the house ... fluff. I didn't realise until we bought one for the sitting room that high wool content carpets shed fluff. The carpet cleaner man tells me it wears off, but can take a while. Even the (almost) indestructible Henry Hoover needed his tubes clearing when he started to choke on the stuff.

One of my favorite things ... having daughters that get on well together. Obviously they have their moments, but generally they enjoy each other's company.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a trip to Thorpe Park to celebrate Star's 11th birthday, taking Angel and four friends with her (we have a collection of vouchers and discounts I'm using up). Washing and packing for two weeks away - we leave on Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... Cherub contemplating a fireman's pole at the playground. I thought she was only thinking about it, until she launched herself, bounced off the pole and landed on her bottom. Fortunately the only real damage done was to her dignity. Seeing the look of determination on her face in the picture, I should have realised she was serious!

Find links to other summer daybooks at The Simple Woman.


  1. Oh I sympathize with the vacuum-clogging carpet fluff. It took about a month for all of our carpets to stop shedding fuzz all over everything. And we went through quite a few vacuum cleaner bags. But it does eventually die down.

  2. Wow! You caught her expression perfectly!
