Tuesday, August 04, 2009


We had a lot of fun bowling yesterday, especially Cherub, who won, much to her delight ... "I am the winner, and you are all losters!" She may be small, but she has a strong competitive streak.

We don't go bowling often, but it has become our entertainment standby when we want something suitable for a wide mix of ages. It used to be our little girls and their much older cousins. Now it is a leveller for our big girls and their little sister - one of the few things where she can compete on an equal basis, with a bit of help from a ramp and the bumpers. (In fairness I should point out that our collective bowling ability is marginally above useless, if that, and we all need the bumpers.) Yesterday there was a group of autistic young adults and their helpers on the two lanes to our right, and an elderly couple with their grandsons to our left. I love that something can be fun for such a wide range of ages and abilities.

For the benefit of anyone in the UK who has one locally, I have to recommend Go Bowling , at least based on their Dunstable centre.* Clean, bright, well furbished premises, and reasonable prices. If you join their family club (free) you can bowl for £2 a game during summer weekdays, after school and on Saturday mornings during term time. They also offer free learn-to-bowl lessons for kids.

* Oops, now I look it seems there are only two - Dunstable and Fareham. I thought there were more. Anyone near Dunstable or Fareham?

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