Monday, July 06, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 6th July

Outside My Window ... blue sky and white cloud, but rain and much cooler weather is forecast for today and tomorrow.

I am thinking ... about the things I need to get while out shopping this morning. I really should write a list and not just try to remember them.

From the learning rooms ... Star will discover what class she will be in at school next year and spend a day with her new teachers. She thinks her whole year will be shuffled round, and is hoping to be with at least one of her three best friends.

I am thankful ... that the end of the kitchen refit is in sight. The floor is being laid today and tomorrow, then once the fridge and washing machine are reinstalled it will be finished.

From the kitchen ... absolutely nothing. The floor is being covered with cement and we can't even go in there today. Eating out tonight.

I am wearing ... new pink pyjamas, which hopefully make me look less like a giant pink lollipop than my other pair.

I am creating ... still the same sock. I am a cold weather knitter, and we have been having a heatwave.

I am going ... to IKEA to replace Cherub's little table and chairs. The table of the £12 IKEA set she has didn't stand up to my attempts to scrub off over exuberant scribbles and has lost much of the white surface. I need a few other oddments both from IKEA and from Asda (Walmart's British subsidiary) next door, and a trip there will keep Cherub out of the cememt in the kitchen.

I am reading ... The Catholic Revival in English Literature by Ian Ker. Hard going.

I am hoping ... that the girls manage to get through the week without mislaying any vital bits of dance show costume.

I am hearing ... a collared dove cooing outside.

Around the house ... now two fridge-freezers and a washing machine in the dining room. Dining room and kitchen both out of action.

One of my favorite things ... fresh juicy cherries.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... dance show week. No time for much else.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... if you are going to play with a swimming pool, you have to dress appropriately

The Simple Woman is away for the summer, but you can find links to other daybooks here.


  1. I miss our summer fruits - love cherries.

    I've enjoyed reading your daybook - have a great week.

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  2. oh no! A kitchen remodel! It will be fabulous when it's done, I'm sure, but for now - you have my sympathy...

    Your little one is precious in her swimsuit. Maya often wears her swim goggles when playing in her water bin - it is best to be prepared.

  3. I enjoyed reading your daybook. I have to make a list! I wouldn't even try to remember what I need to buy! LOL! Enjoy eating out. :)


  4. A kitchen remodel! Let us know how it goes. That is the one room in my house I would love to redo . . . it is my favorite part of any house.

  5. So glad the kitchen is almost done!

    Love the picture. Ramona often plays beach at home, and I have similar pictures of her. So cute!
