Monday, July 20, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 20th July

Outside My Window ... watery blue sky after torrential rain at the back end of last week.

I am thinking ... how nice it would be if Cherub slept until 7am instead of 6.30.

From the learning rooms ... school holidays at last!

I am thankful ... to have my big girls home for a while.

From the kitchen ... chocolate caramel shortbread. Yum! Spaghetti bolognese for dinner.

I am wearing ... pyjamas.

I am creating ... those socks are so nearly finished. They would have been finished if I hadn't decided to add some extra length - they are toe-up socks so the length is easily adjusted, and I had more yarn left than I expected. I am all enthused by Ravelry, and longing to move on to something else.

I am going ... to the pick-your-own farm this afternoon, hoping for raspberries and peas.

I am reading ... The Catholic Revival in English Literature by Ian Ker and Buried Treasure by Victoria Finlay. Slowly. I am in a reading dip.

I am hoping ... for better weather today.

I am hearing ... an animal programme on TV

Around the house ... reasonable order. No furniture in the wrong rooms. No spare fridges. No carpet on the upstairs landing, but that should be sorted tomorrow.

One of my favorite things ... new Harry Potter movies. (We saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince yesterday.)

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... fruit picking, dental appointments, seeing Star off on a week long camping trip with her school, shopping for school stuff with Angel, an evening out with Tevye (meal? cinema? we are not sure!)

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... I have finally been driven up the wall ...

The Simple Woman is away for the summer, but you can find links to other daybooks here.


  1. I've been watching all that you added to your queue and copying all of it. You have great taste!

  2. Is that you climbing up the wall? I wouldn't get very far unless I was blasted up, lol.

  3. It was me, and I didn't get very far ;). I might have got further if I wasn't so much of a coward about heights. I decided against taking A-next-door's advice that "the best way to get to the top is to run up it" I think that may only work if you are 13 ...

  4. Isn't it surprising what just that little half hour extra in the morning before the little ones wake up can mean? I hope you will get to have that 6:30 - 7:00 AM reprieve.

    Ravelry is a fun place - my sister introduced me to it - it's addictive!

    Thank you for sharing your Daybook

  5. Have a great time fruit picking - hope you find plenty of what you want.

    Have a blessed week.

  6. I enjoyed your daybook, and LOVED your blog, and plan to visit back again! One of the many things I love about blogging is discovering new places to visit ;)

    Best, Kathy
