Monday, July 13, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 13th July

Outside My Window ... grey skies and showers forecast. Hoping they will hold off long enough for my laundry to dry. (ETA: Phew! Rescued it just in time before a heavy shower. 95% dry.)

I am thinking ... about how to find a rhythm for our days during the summer holidays.

From the learning rooms ... last week of the school year, with good final reports for both girls, and good Key Stage 2 SATs results for Star.

I am thankful ... that the girls' dance shows at the weekend all went well and they very much enjoyed themselves once they were over the initial nerves.

From the kitchen ... lemon cake just out of the oven; baked potatoes and chilli for dinner.

I am wearing ... black linen trousers, pink t-shirt, beaten metal pendant necklace, bare feet.

I am creating ... yes. Sock. I've done ... oh ... maybe ten more rounds since last week?

I am going ... nowhere today.

I am reading ... The Catholic Revival in English Literature by Ian Ker.

I am hoping ... for a warm, sunny, relaxing summer.

I am hearing ... a little traffic and soft hissing from the dishwasher.

Around the house ... dance show debris. Hair pins, tap shoes, odd bits of costumes.

One of my favorite things ... home made lemon cake.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... very little. We need some down time this week.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... I built the Playmobil castle for Cherub. Without instructions. I'm posting a picture here so that next time I know how it is meant to look!

The Simple Woman is away for the summer, but you can find links to other daybooks here.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the castle - those suckers are hard to put together :)
