Monday, July 27, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 27th July

Outside My Window ... raindrops on the leaves of the garden hedge.

I am thinking ... how nice it is to be at the start of another week. I am one of those people who like Monday mornings.

From the learning rooms ... closed for summer.

I am thankful ... Angel's eye is much better. She developed a nasty looking eye infection on Saturday, but thanks to antibiotic ointment it is clearing up nicely. Have to get it checked by the nurse today.

From the kitchen ... Angel made these best-ever chocolate brownies. They truly were. Chocolatelicious!

I am wearing ... pyjamas.

I am creating ... this cute little skirt for Cherub. I finally finished the socks for my brother and an almost done cardigan for Cherub. I am now on a Ravelry inspired knitting frenzy and getting through the skirt at record speed.

I am going ... to spend the morning playing with Cherub, cleaning the kitchen and freezing cabbages. My brother has been growing vegetables in my mother's garden.

I am reading ... About the Size of It: the Common Sense Approach to Measuring Things by Warwick Cairns, which was a random library find. I gave up on The Catholic Revival in English Literature by Ian Ker. Hard going.

I am hoping ... Star is enjoying herself camping.

I am hearing ... Angel yawning and Cherub talking to a glue stick.

Around the house ... yarn and knitting projects.

One of my favorite things ... chocolate brownies.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Star gets home from her camp on Wednesday; a sleepover with dance friends for Angel; a BBQ with Tevye's sister and family on Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... according to Cherub this is "not a mess". Humph!

The Simple Woman is away for the summer, but you can find links to other daybooks here.


  1. Hope it's The Catholic Revival in English Literature you're finding hard going, rather than my own book About the Size of It!
    Warwick Cairns

  2. Chocolatelicious! Sounds too good to pass up. The brownies wouldn't last long in our home, lol.

    Have a wonderful week.

    God Bless,
    Elena :)

  3. Your picture looks like my kids rooms. And yes they say the samething. I get "What mess?"
    Will visit again. Enjoy your rain.

  4. You are one busy lady! How blessed to have so much to do. Much better than sitting around being bored.

    I enjoyed reading your daybook. Have a blessed week.

  5. Your little one's "not a mess" looks so familiar - it makes me smile.

    Love the skirt pattern - please be sure to post a picture of it when you're finished. I'm on a knitting kick too - Fun, isn't it?

    Thank you for sharing your Daybook.

  6. The brownies sound delicious! Thanks for sharing a little glimpse into your life through the daybook. Have a great week!

  7. I'm glad the brownies made two appearances in this post. :)
