Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Corner View: Weekend Evenings

The idea for this corner view was to take pictures at 6.45pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I clean forgot until Sunday (when it wasn't possible anyway), so had to fall back on Wikimedia and Google Images.

Friday evening ... puttering on my laptop.

Saturday evening ... an impromptu dinner with K and A-Next-Door. We pooled resources and ended up with olive oil, crab claws, smoked fish, olives, cheese, strawberries, and white wine.

Sunday evening ... was spent with Harry, Ron and Hermione. I took the two older girls to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Visit Jane at Spain Daily for more corner views from around the world.

Next week's theme is "best kept secret". Need to think about that one!


  1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who forgot to have the camera ready Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening!

    Your impromptu dinner sounds lovely - was it al fresco?

    We went to see Harry Potter's latest installment this weekend as well - I found it a little slower moving than previous episodes but I had read somewhere that it was toned down a bit so that it could have a PG rating instead of PG-13.

    Well, it's seven-eight-nine past eleven - I'd better get a few things done! Borrowed that one from Cherub (your July 17 entry)!

  2. I'm afraid it wasn't al fresco weather - we just had to make do with al fresco food instead.

  3. The idea of corner view is so nice.
