Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Corner View: The Unveiling

I am from open coal fires, from Marmite, fish fingers and Wall's ice cream.

I am from the half-thatched farmhouse on top of the hill, with tumbledown barns, rutted drive and cluttered yard.

I am from hedgerows of hawthorn, elderflower and blackberry; from green pastures, corn fields and hay meadows.

I am from summer holidays and sandy beaches, from stoic countrymen in wellington boots, from village and countryside.

I am from cooks and teetotallers, from farmers and higglers.

From "do your best" and "mustn't grumble".

I am from Primitive Methodists, from John Wesley, harvest festivals and Sunday School anniversaries.

I am from Buckinghamshire farmland and wuthering northern moors, from roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.

From the trenches of World War I, pheasant shooting in No-Man's-Land and poison gas; from haymaking in trousers tied with string to keep out the field mice.

I am from faded, nameless monochrome photographs, from Super 8 film of happy children playing, from slideshows of family holidays from years gone by. Beloved memories slip out of focus into distant genealogies. I am my past.
(A Where I'm From poem first posted back in 2006)

Visit Jane at Spain Daily for more corner views from around the world.


  1. It is so great to meet you! I love your poem - it brings back so many memories - coal fires (when my Mum rented a holiday cottage for Christmas 2001, the first requirement was for it to have a coal fire) - Wall's ice cream (with a Flake tucked in the top) - wellington boots (my husband actually bought a pair in a little shop in Yorkshire and they took up almost the whole suitcase!) - hedgerows of...blackberry (picking them from along the side of the lane and taking them home to be made into jam by Mum). I love the template - I'll be giving it a go soon.

  2. I love a smiling face. thanks for posting!

  3. "higglers"? An intriguing word.

  4. That is a wonderful poem.

  5. Anonymous9:46 pm

    It's so nice to see your face. Makes me even sadder that you live so far away.

  6. Loved the poem, K. So much I had to do one of my own.

    But yours is shorter because I didn't know when to stop.{vbg}
