Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Corner View: Staple Foods

Bread ... sometimes just the sliced stuff, but we prefer it fresh and crusty.

Vegetables ... potatoes, carrots, onions and broccoli are always part of my weekly shop. Frozen peas are a staple and we eat quite a lot of swede, parsnips, leeks, courgettes (zucchini), sweetcorn and cauliflower.

Salad vegetables ... all year round, but we eat more in the summer. The cherry tomatoes, peppers and cucumber are from the supermarket, the lettuce and spring onions (scallions) from my brother's garden.

Fruit ... bananas, apples and pears are staples all year round. Lots of strawberries at this season, and I usually buy plums and grapes plus whatever else is reasonably priced.

Meat ... I didn't get a photo but we mostly eat chicken and minced (ground) beef, and always some sort of roast meat (lamb, beef or chicken) on Sundays. Less often stewing steak or lamb, turkey steaks, or lamb chops.

Fish ... white fish (cod or haddock), salmon fillets and canned tuna are our staples. Sometimes we get trout instead of salmon, and Tevye likes sardines and kippers.

Statistics show that the British now drink more coffee than tea, but we fit the stereotype and drink more tea ... made with tea bags in a mug, always with milk and water boiled in an electric kettle (a domestic essential in British homes).

Visit Jane at Spain Daily for more corner views from around the world.

Next week's theme ... places of reflection.


  1. I think I could live on crusty bread alone! Love your new blog template.

  2. I have never heard of courgettes before, but it all looks delicious. Fresh fruits and veggies are always the best.

    I love my water cooker that I discovered when I moved to Germany... I think, how have I lived without it all these years? Unlike most Americans, I am a tea drinker because coffee is a taste that I have never acquired.

  3. Anonymous11:00 am

    Yummy. It all looks delicious.

  4. Allison, our courgettes are your zucchini. Forgot I might need to translate that one :).

  5. yeah for summer! and fresh veggies

  6. Yummy!

    What a fun post. Thanks for sharing. It's interesting to see how similar our lists of staples are. And a few differences. For example, I love lamb but it is usually so expensive we only have it as a rare treat. And we don't really do swedes and parsnips and leeks only on occasion. Maybe I should do a staples post...

    Our electric kettle is essential too. I first met them traveling in Ireland and can't imagine life without mine. Dom and my sister use it for coffee too, heating water for a French press.

    Oh and I love the new template. Adorable photo of Cherub!

  7. WOW we could have almost done the same post!!! I forgot crusty bread but we love it, especially dipped in olive oil with balsamic vinegar! Next time, bring out the Branston!! Ali. love your site.

  8. That's staple food !!! and a good one !!! Nice pictures too !!!

  9. Love your corner view! Thanks for your comment over at Travelingmama too! It was fun reading what items you would take with you!

  10. Anonymous11:14 am

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