Monday, June 29, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 29th June

Outside My Window ... a hot summer's day, though still a little humid after storms and rain at the weekend.

I am thinking ... how lovely it is to be able to sit out in the garden with my laptop.

From the learning rooms ... a school trip to the Natural History Museum in London for Star tomorrow.

I am thankful ... for a summer worthy of the name, and hoping it stays that way.

From the kitchen ... chicken fricassee in the crockpot, a new recipe I am trying for the first time, and cheesy scones made with Cherub before she went to

I am wearing ... cropped beige trousers, pink vest, black flip-flops. It's hot!

I am creating ... working up the leg of the second of a pair of socks. It's slow progress, but at least it is progress.

I am going ... to play with the template of my blog. Time to move on from spring bluebells to something more summery. Watch this space!

I am reading ... Buried Treasure: Travels Through the Jewel Box by Victoria Finlay.

I am hoping ... to get into better eating habits. More fruit and veg, and less of everything else. I don't have a particularly junky diet, I just eat too much.

I am hearing ... leaves rustling in the breeze, a distant train and a little traffic noise.

Around the house ... a large fridge-freezer in the kitchen waiting to be plumbed in, and the old, working fridge-freezer in the dining room.

One of my favorite things ... a jug of cold Pimm's on a summer afternoon.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... girls' night out to an Indian restaurant on Wednesday, with Angel, Star, K-, J- and A-Next-Door and Cherub's friend N's mum; trip to Thorpe Park (theme park) with all three of my girls on Friday as the older two have a day off school (no roller coasters for me this time as Cherub is coming); dance show dress rehearsal for the girls and band concert for me on Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... you push me ...

And I'll push you ...

The Simple Woman is away for the summer, but you can find links to other daybooks here.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! What exactly is Pimm's? Sounds good if you're going to have a jug in the fridge!
