Monday, June 15, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 15th June

Outside My Window ... the sort of calm, light grey morning that could do anything - sun? cloud? rain? I just checked the forecast. "Showers late. Afternoon clouds. Mild." Sounds as though I should at least be able to dry my laundry.

I am thinking ... I should switch the warm winter duvets over to summer ones.

From the learning rooms ... I need to send a note to playgroup with Cherub asking for different sessions next term. This term she goes for two afternoons; next term I want her to switch to three mornings.

I am thankful ... that I am finally feeling better after struggling through last week with a nasty cold and another asthma flare-up. I think I overdid things, trying to carry on regardless, but thanks to a restful weekend and a course of steroids I'm looking forward to getting back to normal this week.

From the kitchen ... baked potatoes and chilli.

I am wearing ... black and white summer pyjamas.

I am creating ... a pair of socks, abandoned half-finished a couple of months ago. Still procrastinating over making up the cardigan.

I am going ... to ease back into things gradually today and take a long rest while Cherub is at playgroup.

I am reading ... The Catholic Revival in English Literature 1845-1961 by Ian Ker and My Life With the Saints by James Martin, swapping between the two.

I am hoping ... to do some baking in my new oven this week.

I am hearing ... the Tweenies. Yes, it's that early morning TV / blogging time again.

Around the house ... toys and clothes. Sometimes I worry we will become submerged under a mountain of toys and clothes.

One of my favorite things ... a restful weekend.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... as quiet a week as possible.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... fairy princess Cherub

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Though steroids are not nice at the time.

    What a sweet picture of Cherub.

  2. What a sweet fairy princess - how blessed you are!

    I've added a Mr. Linky at Grandmother Wren's to make it easier for the Summer Daybook ladies to find one another.
    Please stop by on Mondays to add your daybook link!
