Monday, May 25, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 25th May

Outside My Window ... grey skies replacing the beautiful blue we have enjoyed over the weekend.

I am thinking ... how can it possibly be Monday again already?

From the learning rooms ... half term week.

I am thankful for ... a warm, sunny weekend.

From the kitchen ... meat defrosting in the freezer for a lunchtime BBQ with Next Door. Cherub and Tevye are planning to make fruit salad (she loves to help by chopping up soft fruit). Lots of pizza tonight as Angel has three friends sleeping over.

I am wearing ... black and white pyjamas. Rather more elegant than last weeks lollipop pink ones.

I am creating ... still this cardigan, though I switched the colours to a pale pink with deep pink and white trim. Back and fronts are done, and most of one sleeve.

I am going ... to Alton Towers theme park with the two big girls on Thursday. We are leaving Cherub at home with Tevye so that we can do Big Rides. Eek.

I am reading ... The Rosary: Keeping Company With Jesus and Mary by Karen Edmisten.

I am hoping ... it will stay dry until at least mid-afternoon. Heavy rain is forecast for later in the day.

I am hearing ... Peppa Pig. Cherub adores Peppa Pig.

Around the house ... trying to clear space in the garage. Rumour has it that some people actually park cars in their garage. Where do they put their stuff?

One of my favorite things ... cuddles with my big daughters. I love that I have a 14 year old who still likes lots of hugs.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... gym camp for Star, Alton Towers, clearing out the kitchen.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... dare I?

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.

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