Monday, May 11, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 11th May

Outside My Window ... sunny and breezy.

I am thinking ... about doing some Montessori stuff with Cherub once she turns three.

From the learning rooms ... SATs for Star this week, starting with a science test this morning. She claims not to be in the least worried about them, but her moodiness over the last few days suggests otherwise. Angel has her last full week of Year 9. Next week she has Independent Learning Week (more about that later), and after half term she moves up to Year 10 and starts her GCSEs.

I am thankful for ... having the use of a car whenever I want it. After 15 years of being a one car family it is a luxury.

From the kitchen ... chicken in mushroom sauce, with rice for those who like it and mashed potatoes for those who don't.

I am wearing ... blue jeans, cream sweater, beaded sandals and silver pendant.

I am creating ... this crocheted sun hat. I'm trying to make it Cherub sized, using some blue 4 ply cotton I didn't know what to do with.

I am going ... to do some cleaning and decluttering while Cherub is at playgroup. Once I tear myself away from the computer, that is.

I am reading ... Yiddish Civilisation: the Rise and Fall of a Forgotten Nation by Paul Kriwaczek and The Planets by Dava Sobel. (Still making very slow progress with these.)

I am hoping ... Star doesn't find her SATs too stressful.

I am hearing ... a clock ticking and the fan in the computer. Otherwise, silence.

Around the house ... stuff. As a random sample, this is the stuff on my desk - Tesco clubcard vouchers, two iPods, headphones, Cherub's felt tips, papers on top of the printer (probably all junk, but have been there so long I have forgotten what they are), receipts, a school newsletter, a pencil in need of sharpening, a nail file, an abandoned satsuma, pictures drawn by Cherub this morning (six pages of faces), two books and a CD. Extrapolate that to the whole house and you get the idea.

One of my favorite things ... Cadbury's creme eggs. The ultimate sweet, gooey, chocolatey treat.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a library trip, exercise (I went to the gym three times last week!), a meal out with Tevye, playing with the brass band at a village fete on Saturday, gym competition for Angel on Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... bluebells in the woods

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. The sun hat looks adorable! Would you please share your chicken in mushroom sauce recipe - it sounds delicious!

  2. Bluebells are lovely at the moment aren't they? Hope the SATs go o.k.

  3. Anonymous4:28 pm

    I love having a car too, such freedom...

  4. A few years ago I made a kitchen dish towel in the flower pattern that will be the top of the hat you are making. It was such a fun pattern. I like it much better as a little hat.

    Oh, and when my husband was in elementary school he used to save Cadbury Cream eggs and sell them at an inflated price in December. :)

    With love in Christ,

  5. We went from being a two car family to me having my driving licence medically revoked, temporarily. It's so frustrating to have that car sitting in the garage and have to go get on the bus if I want to go out while hubby is at work.
