Monday, April 06, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 6th April

Outside My Window ... leaf buds beginning to open, daffodils, blossom. Spring!

I am thinking ... about how to get everything done that needs to be done before we go away on Thursday.

From the learning rooms ... metalwork. Angel made a door chain. She now has it on her bedroom door, not because she particularly wants to lock the door, but because the chain took so much effort to make she is determined to use it.

I am thankful for ... our new car. Life will be so much easier without the constant car-juggling.

From the kitchen ... eating up perishables in advance of our holiday and bread in advance of passover.

I am wearing ... blue patterned pyjama bottoms and white top.

I am creating ... crocheted roses. I'm planning a crocheted cardigan for Cherub and a pair of socks for my brother as holiday projects. Cherub's lilac cardigan is finished except for the buttons and my beige cardigan is on hold.

I am going ... clothes shopping in Hemel Hempstead with K-next-door and five girls. We are planning to hit Primark for summer clothes. We have to make an early start and be back by three as Angel has a rehearsal with the pianist for her Grade 6 ballet exam.

I am reading ... A Year in the Country by Alison Uttley. Still. I seem to have stalled.

I am hoping ... to fit some time for quiet Holy Week reflection in amongst everything else that is going on.

I am hearing ... Cherub watching Mister Maker (craft show for preschoolers)

Around the house ... making good progress with decluttering the kitchen. Lots of washing and cleaning to do before we go away.

One of my favorite things ... school holidays. Love the change of pace and having my big girls home for a while.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... clothes shopping today; a play date for Cherub tomorrow; seder meal on Wednesday; washing, cleaning, packing ... then off to Weymouth for an Easter holiday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.

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