Monday, April 20, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 20th April

Outside My Window ... misty early morning with the promise of another warm spring day.

I am thinking ... about what I need to do to get back into a new term's routine.

From the learning rooms ... playgroup for Cherub this afternoon, then the older girls go back to school tomorrow.

I am thankful for ... a relaxing holiday and recharged batteries.

From the kitchen ... lamb steaks and kebabs left over from a bbq with Next Door yesterday.

I am wearing ... pink winter pyjamas, and thinking they are getting too warm and I need to get a lighter pair out.

I am creating ... more socks. One pair for my brother, and another for me with the soft yarn I bought to crochet a cardigan for Cherub. I tried the cardigan and gave up - too much hole and very dodgy tension. I did finish her knitted lilac one, though.

I am going ... to the library to swap holiday reading for a new book pile.

I am reading ... Yiddish Civilisation: the Rise and Fall of a Forgotten Nation by Paul Kriwaczek.

I am hoping ... a new dance class schedule doesn't make for too much running around in the evenings.

I am hearing ... Noddy on the TV.

Around the house ... piles of laundry in various stages. The downside of going away.

One of my favorite things ... Carte D'Or vanilla and chocolate brownie ice cream.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... plenty of outdoors time while the weather is good.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.

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