Sunday, April 19, 2009

Home Again

We had a lovely holiday in Weymouth - even the weather was on our side, most of the time. The girls current ages - 14, 10 and nearly 3 - seem to be a particularly good combination, with everyone getting along well and enjoying each other's company.

We did a lot of this ...

and this ...

And a bit of this ...

and this ...

Not to mention some swimming (all of us), a luxury spa session (adults), some clothes shopping (females over the age of three), and lots of ice cream and Easter egg eating.

And guess what? Angel and Star danced in the caravan park's talent show and won a free holiday for a week in October to go back and take part in the grand final. (This is not quite as wonderful an achievement as it sounds. They were ... ahem! ... the only entrants in their age group. But hey! They overcame the embarrassment of being the only ones and got up there on the stage and did their stuff, so I reckon they were winners.)


  1. Sounds like a lovely time! Congrats to Angel and Star for winning that free holiday!

  2. Congrats on the free holiday - I hope the October week isn't too cold.
