Saturday, April 04, 2009

April's Shower of Photos

Last year I took up Marianna of the S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen's idea of posting a photo everyday during April. I didn't keep it up for the whole month, but I enjoyed what I did. This year I'm on the late side, but I'm not going to let that stop me joining in her new April's Shower of Photos.

In 2008 I chose nature as the theme for my photos. This year I'm ringing the changes by taking photos of buildings - no particular reason, except that it is something different, and I'm hoping it will make me look at my surroundings more carefully. I made a start this afternoon when I went into town to pick up a library book. The building on the left looking out of this alleyway is one of the oldest in town - sixteenth century, I think. I was quite pleased with myself for working out that I needed to turn on the flash because I was looking from deep shadow out into bright sun.


  1. I think you showed me this. Is the candy store by here?

  2. Anonymous2:08 pm

    Ah ye olde worlde howse.


  3. Catherine, I'm impressed by your memory. You are right, though the candy store is now a clothes shop :(.
