Monday, March 30, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 30th March

Outside My Window ... light grey skies, but the rest of the week is forecast to be dry and sunny.

I am thinking ... how nice it is to have bunches of daffodils around the house.

From the learning rooms ... the last week of school before the two week Easter break, though Angel is going to miss at least some of it as she and Cherub both have a sickness bug.

I am thankful for ... my washing machine. Cherub was sick twice last night. Imagine having to clean up in the middle of the night in the days before washing machines.

From the kitchen ... no plans, as I have no clue who is going to be up to eating what by tonight.

I am wearing ... blue velour pyjamas.

I am creating ... a beige, lightweight knitted cardigan for myself. Only one seam left to sew on Cherub's cardigan, but I need to buy buttons.

I am going ... to be away for Easter. We booked a week's holiday starting on Easter Saturday, then later were offered an extra two days free. It was too good an offer to turn down, but it means we will be away for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. It is going to seem very strange being on holiday during Holy Week.

I am reading ... A Year in the Country by Alison Uttley.

I am hoping ... Cherub and Angel recover quickly and nobody else gets ill.

I am hearing ... the washing machine, birdsong (a collared dove cooing loudly and the twitterings of smaller birds), Cherub snoring gently, an aeroplane overhead.

Around the house ... we have finalised plans and ordered our new kitchen (I am so excited about this!). I'm working on decluttering and reorganising so that it will be easy to pack up and then put everything back into the right cupboards when the new kitchen is installed at the beginning of June.

One of my favorite things ... watching Cherub sleep.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... finally collecting our new car tomorrow, after waiting an age for cheques to clear and legalities to be completed. Angel and Star are planning to go to a car boot sale* with my brother at the weekend to sell unwanted clutter and raise some holiday money.

* Car boot = trunk. You pay a fairly nominal amount for a pitch for your car at an open air market, then sell stuff from the boot.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. What a precious picture! I love to watch my children sleep - no matter how big they get! :O)

    It sounds like y'all have a lot going on over kitchen, new car and a trip away! Our homes are never dull are they?! Enjoy all the new and upcoming holiday with your family.

    I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the books you list and review. Some I have never heard of but will be sure to suggest at the library. Our library is very small in comparison to major cities but we have a staff very committed to bringing in quality books for our small town.

    Have a wonderful week!


  2. I loved reading your daybook. YOu have so much to look forward to with the holiday and the new kitchen.
    Mama Bear

  3. I enjoyed visiting your daybook - thanks! Having daffodils around the house is really wonderful, I agree. Sorry you're dealing with sick children - hope they get better soon.

    Best wishes,

  4. She really is a little cherub in that picture!

    Can't wait to hear all about your Easter holiday and to see before and after shots of your kitchen.

    Have a great week!

  5. I love daffodils around the house. And how exciting to be getting a new kitchen! I feel strongly that the kitchen is the heart of the home and worth every penny we spend on it!

    Have a wonderful holiday, and I hope your children feel better soon. That's an adorable picture of Cherub!

  6. New kitchen sounds good, sleeping children even better.

    This post will make you even more grateful for your washing machine:

    Sadly cold's not gone yet but will hopefully be better by next week when we've got some time off.

  7. That picture is indeed precious. What a sweetheart!
