Monday, March 02, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 2nd March

For Monday 2nd March

Outside My Window ... almost dark, at 6pm. The evenings are getting lighter, though.

I am thinking ... that spring is round the corner. Little Cherub and I were picking catkins yesterday.

From the learning rooms ... Star insisted on spending her own money to buy a Little Miss Sunshine costume to wear to school for Book Day. This is despite the fact that she doesn't actually know when Book Day is.

I am thankful for ... success with Little Cherub's potty training. Mostly.

From the kitchen ... chicken stir fry and noodles.

I am wearing ... jeans, a brown and cream striped cowl neck sweater, and dark blue Crocs.

I am creating ... a half-finished sock that has been ignored in the bottom of my knitting bag for a while.

I am going ... to cram in a quick trip to the supermarket between dropping Angel at dance, picking up Star and taking her home, and then going back to collect Angel.

I am reading ... An Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett.

I am hoping ... to accept that Cherub is an early waker and embrace the early mornings instead of fighting them. Very hard for a natural night owl.

I am hearing ... Little Cherub talking to Tevye and Angel.

Around the house ... a second load of washing waiting to be dried; a pile of Cherub's games in the middle of the living room floor; heaps of flung-off clothes in both the older girls' rooms.

One of my favorite things ... staying up late when the house is quiet and everyone else asleep.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... nothing special, just the usual routine.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. Yay on the potty training!

    I am a night owl too but have found after having the children that I have become more and more a morning person but with night owl tendencies! ;O)

    Your pictures are too cute!


  2. Hurrah for the potty training.

    Hope you like the Uncommon Reader - Wookie did too :)
