Monday, March 23, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 23rd March

Outside My Window ... light cloud cover. Rain is forecast for tonight after a wonderful week of spring sunshine.

I am thinking ... that there has to be a way to persuade Cherub to sleep past six o'clock in the morning. Maybe next week's time change will help.

From the learning rooms ... Star grumbling about homework. She is getting more than usual as she has SATS tests in May.

I am thankful for ... belts, which hold up jeans that would otherwise fall down, making it much easier to find pairs that fit. Why did it take me nearly five decades to work this out?

From the kitchen ... baked potatoes with cauliflower cheese, and thinking I may bake some biscuits (cookies).

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas.

I am creating ... Cherub's lilac cardigan is nearly done. I love knitting but hate sewing it together!

I am going ... to be super-organised and efficient this week. Ha! I can dream!

I am reading ... A Street Without a Name: Childhood and Other Misadventures in Bulgaria, by Kapka Kassabova.

I am hoping ... we will get our new car this week. It seems cheques take three times longer to clear than they used to. Clearly the banks have been too busy throwing away money to focus on basic services.

I am hearing ... Cherub and Star watching Big Cook, Little Cook.

Around the house ... I want to get lots of decluttering done this week.

One of my favorite things ... the town we live in, which still has a traditional market town feel and is a great place to bring up children.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... playdate for Cherub today, man from John Lewis coming to quote for kitchen refit on Wednesday, man coming to steam clean carpets on Thursday (which means keeping Cherub out of the house for most of the day as damp carpets and toddlers are not a good mix), eating out with Tevye and K-and-A-next-door on Friday, brass band concert on Saturday. Busy week.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... spring sky

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.

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